Oak trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. These towering trees offer welcome shade during the summer months, while also providing a home for local wildlife, including birds and insects.

Unfortunately, some of these insects bring the risk of oak wilk, a fungal disease that may kill the tree! Small beetles are attracted to the sap that oak trees produce from their wounds, carrying the oak wilt fungus that can quickly spread between trees, wreaking havoc on our local oak population.

So, it’s important to time your oak pruning correctly to help minimize the chance of spreading oak wilt! Oak wilt season is finally over, meaning now is the time to trim and prune your oak trees safely.

What is Oak Wilt?

Oak wilt is a fungus that infects the vascular system of an oak tree. When infected with oak wilt, the tree cannot properly absorb nutrients and water, causing a wilted appearance the fungus was named for.

The main spreader of the disease is a small beetle that is attracted to the sap an oak tree produces when pruned or wounded. These beetles are mostly active from late winter to spring, so pruning at the wrong time is likely to increase the chance of oak wilt infecting your trees!

Timing Your Oak Pruning

As mentioned above, oak wilt season occurs when beetles that spread the disease are most active, from late winter through to spring.

So, it’s important that you avoid pruning your oak trees during these seasons! Instead, you should wait until between summer and early winter until you prune your oak trees.

If you prune an oak in spring, the cut area produces a sap that attracts the beetles, increasing the chances of spreading oak wilk. Once infected, your oak may wilt and die, so it’s vital that you avoid pruning too early in the season!

Summer is a good time to start as the disease is sensitive to heat, while the beetles are less prominent during this season too.

Similarly, fall through winter are also suitable seasons for pruning, as the insects aren’t active. Plus, there are fewer leaves on the trees, making pruning easier.

Oak season is currently over, making it the best time to start your pruning – you’ll have until next spring to safely cut back your trees!

Tips for Safely Pruning Trees After Oak Wilt Season

Always Clean Pruning Tools

Make sure to clean pruning tools prior to cutting the tree, as this ensures they don’t spread any diseases from previously cut plants or trees. Standard household bleach works fine for disinfecting your pruning tools.

Also, if pruning several trees, make sure to wash your tools between each pruning. Doing so reduces the risk of spreading diseases between trees.

Consider Your Oak Tree’s Age

Oak trees under three years don’t require extensive pruning. Instead, focus on trimming back dead and broken branches. If you over prune a young oak, it may increase the risk of disease or kill it off entirely.

Trees older than three years can be pruned to create a desired shape. You only need to prune older trees every 2-3 years!

Knowing What Branches to Trim

It’s important to only trim branches that are dead, broken, or growing from the center of the tree. Avoid cutting branches that are too high or too thick, as these require professional pruning equipment to remove safely.

Call a Professional Tree Trimmer

Pruning an oak tree is great for encouraging healthy growth and creating the desired shape. However, oak trees are large so cutting them without professional equipment is dangerous in many situations.

Consider calling a professional tree trimming service such as our own! We have a wealth of oak pruning experience, so can safely trim back your tree to create the desired aesthetic while maintaining optimal health!